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dotnet code snippets in csharp
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create sample viewmodel in csharp
delete a directory in csharp
entrypoint that returns void in csharp
find the current year in csharp
find the parent directory of a directory in csharp
find the size of a directory in csharp
format a drive in csharp
generate a random number between 0 and 1 in csharp
get system platform in csharp
hello world in csharp
int array to string arrayu in csharp
lista de comarcas de cataluña in csharp
make a javascript interpreter in csharp
package a solution in csharp
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query sql server with parameters in csharp
repository pattern in csharp
run a .exe file in csharp
setup webserver in csharp
use the least known function in c# in csharp
using tostring in csharp
write the reason of live in c# in csharp
by LogSnag