linq code snippets in csharp

array map in csharp
benchmark linq in csharp
build out dynamic query in csharp
combine two csv files in csharp
combine two csv files if the headers match in csharp
combine two maps in csharp
count duplicates in a collection in csharp
count unique entries in a list in csharp
create a dynamic resultset in csharp
create a generic modal logical system with linq in csharp
create a search word method to scan a paragraph of text with a denounce in csharp
create batches of 20 from a list in csharp
entity framework include in csharp
filter a javascript array in csharp
filter a list of custom objects in csharp
find duplicates in a list in csharp
find the average of all keys in a map in csharp
find the average of all values in a map in csharp
find the biggest file in a folder in csharp
find the difference of two maps in csharp
find the intersection of two maps in csharp
find the kth largest key in a map in csharp
find the kth largest number in a list in csharp
find the kth least frequent element in an array in csharp
find the kth most common element in an array in csharp
find the kth most frequent element in an array in csharp
find the kth smallest key in a map in csharp
find the largest integer in a list in csharp
find the largest value in a map in csharp
find the median of all keys in a map in csharp
find the mode of a list of numbers in csharp
find the mode of all elements in an array in csharp
find the mode of all keys in a map in csharp
find the mode of all values in a map in csharp
find the range of all values in a map in csharp
find the shortest word in a string in csharp
find the smallest value in a map in csharp
find the standard deviation of all keys in a map in csharp
find the sum of a list of numbers in csharp
find the sum of all keys in a map in csharp
find the sum of all values in a map in csharp
find the union of two maps in csharp
find the variance of all keys in a map in csharp
find the variance of all values in a map in csharp
find unique combinations in csharp
foreach (var eventaricle in eventarticles) { subarticles.addrange(eventaricle.getlinkedsubarticles()); } as linq query in csharp
generate dynamic query filtering in csharp
get only the unique items in a list in csharp
get the index of an ienumerable element in csharp
how te merge elements with linq if id is the same in csharp
how to refactor method with two foreach in csharp
how to select all values in a dictionary in csharp
how to select values in a dictionary in csharp
lazily enumerate a stream in csharp
linq for list of objects merge object with the same id to have internal list of ids as a one list in csharp
linq group in csharp
linq prevent nullexception in csharp
linq query group in csharp
linq query join in csharp
linq query join and in csharp
linq select first entries on x in csharp
linq select object where id is equal to any id form the other list in csharp
linq select objects by id when any id form the list of other objects is the same in csharp
linq to json in csharp
linq to object in csharp
linq unique in csharp
linq unique by property in csharp
make custom database system in csharp
merge two dictionaries in csharp
merge two dictionaries using concat in csharp
pick strings that contain all the terms 'cat', 'dog' and 'bird' only once in any order in csharp
query a database with a linq query in csharp
query a database with linq in csharp
recursive linq in csharp
refactor foreach(var container in subarticlecontainers) { containersminprices.add(container.minamount * => y.price).min()); } in csharp
refactor this events.orderby(x => x.start) .select(x => .distinct() .take(20); in csharp
remove duplicates from string array in csharp
reorder a dictionary alphabetically in csharp
reorder the columns of a csv file in csharp
return all strings with minimum length from a list in csharp
return ten person names from catalonia in csharp
save record to database using linqtosql in csharp
select csv file and for each line add a new column called situation and for each line fill the situation with yes or no and move the new csv to destination in csharp
sort by name in csharp
split a map into two maps in csharp
transform linq in c# in csharp
transform linq into object in csharp
use entity framework to find the top 3 players based off of the column "high score", then congratulate them in csharp
use entity framework to get the highest value from a column named "high_score" and output the result to console in csharp
use entity framework to get the highest value from a column named "high_score", then congratulate the user on their accomplishments in csharp
use entity framework to take each item in a column named “sku” and delimit it using slashes. then send an email complaining in csharp
use entity framework to take each item in a column named “sku” and split it using slashes. save each item in the array to the database. then send an email complaining that the data doesn’t line up in csharp
x.firstordefault().statusdiscount; add default value to prevent null exception in csharp

gistlibby LogSnag