continuously play a random fartnoise in unity in csharp

You can achieve this by following these steps,

  1. Import a fart noise sound effect to your Unity project.
  2. Create an empty GameObject and name it "FartAudioPlayer".
  3. Add an AudioSource component to the "FartAudioPlayer".
  4. Drag and drop the fart sound effect to the AudioClip field of the AudioSource component.
  5. Add a C# script to the "FartAudioPlayer" and name it "FartPlayer".
  6. In the script, add a public AudioClip array named "fartSounds". Drag and drop the fart sound effect to this array.
  7. In the Start() method, add the following code to continuously play the fart sounds in a loop:
void Start()
   InvokeRepeating("PlayFartSound", 1, 3);

void PlayFartSound()
   int randomIndex = Random.Range(0, fartSounds.Length);
196 chars
11 lines

This code uses InvokeRepeating() to repeatedly call the PlayFartSound() method every 3 seconds after the initial delay of 1 second.

The PlayFartSound() method randomly selects a fart sound from the fartSounds array and plays it using the audioSource.PlayOneShot() method.

Make sure to assign the AudioSource component to the "FartPlayer" script's audioSource variable in the Unity Inspector.

Now, you should have a continuous random fart sounds playing in your game!

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