convert inches to feet and fractional inches in csharp

To convert inches to feet and fractional inches in C#, we can use the following code:

double inches = 73.25;
double feet = Math.Floor(inches / 12);
double fractionalInches = inches % 12;
Console.WriteLine(feet + " feet and " + fractionalInches + " inches");
172 chars
5 lines

In this code snippet, we first define the length in inches. We then use the Math.Floor function to calculate the number of whole feet. We divide the length in inches by 12 since there are 12 inches in a foot. The result of this division represents the whole feet, which we store in the feet variable.

To calculate the remaining fractional inches, we use the modulus operator % to calculate the remainder after dividing the length in inches by 12. This remainder represents the number of inches that are left over after accounting for the whole feet. We store this value in the fractionalInches variable.

Finally, we print the results to the console using Console.WriteLine, concatenating the feet and fractionalInches values with the appropriate units. For example, if the input was 73.25 inches, the output would be:

6 feet and 1.25 inches
23 chars
2 lines

gistlibby LogSnag