Here's an example of how to create a for loop that iterates through all possible allcaps strings (including numerical characters) of length 6 in C#:
main.cs420 chars15 lines
In this example, we use a nested for loop. The outer loop has a condition that is based on the total number of allcaps strings of length 6 that can be created with 36 possible characters (26 letters and 10 digits). We use the Math.Pow()
function to calculate this total number (which is 2,176,782,336).
In the inner loop, we iterate through each character of the current string by repeatedly taking the remainder of the current index divided by 36. If the remainder is less than 10, we add the corresponding ASCII character code for the numerical digit to the current string. If the remainder is greater than or equal to 10, we subtract 10 and add the corresponding ASCII character code for a capital letter to the current string.
Finally, we output the current string to the console.
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