create a mudblazor confirmation text in csharp

To create a MudBlazor confirmation dialog in C#, you can use the MudDialogService. Here's an example code snippet to achieve this:

@inject MudDialogService _dialogService

@code {
    async Task ShowConfirmationDialog()
        var parameters = new DialogParameters
            { "Message", "Are you sure you want to proceed?" },

        var dialog = _dialogService.Show<ConfirmationDialog>("Confirmation", parameters);

        var result = await dialog.Result;

        if (!result.Cancelled)
            // Confirmation logic here
            // This block will be executed when user confirms the action
            // You can implement your logic to proceed after confirmation
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In this code snippet, we are injecting the MudDialogService, showing a confirmation dialog by calling the Show method with the confirmation dialog component ConfirmationDialog, and handling the result to perform the desired logic. You can customize the confirmation message and handle the confirmation action accordingly.

Remember to create the ConfirmationDialog component that displays the message and provides confirmation buttons. You can customize it based on your application needs.

Additionally, make sure to include the necessary using directives and register MudDialogService in your _Imports.razor file.

@using MudBlazor
@using MudBlazor.Services
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This code snippet demonstrates a simple way to create a confirmation dialog in MudBlazor using C#.

For more advanced usage, you can refer to the MudBlazor documentation:

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