create a search with a denounce in csharp

To create a search with debouncing in C#, you can use a timer to delay the execution of the search until the user stops typing. The following example shows how to implement a debounce search using a timer and the TextChanged event:

private Timer searchTimer;

public Form1()
    searchTimer = new Timer();
    searchTimer.Interval = 500;
    searchTimer.Enabled = false;
    searchTimer.Tick += SearchTimer_Tick;
    textBox1.TextChanged += TextBox1_TextChanged;

private void TextBox1_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
    // Start the timer to debounce the search

private void SearchTimer_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)
    // Stop the timer and execute the search

private void PerformSearch()
    // Implement your search logic here
    MessageBox.Show($"Searching for {textBox1.Text}...");
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34 lines

In this example, a Timer instance is created in the Form constructor and its Tick event is handled by the SearchTimer_Tick method. The textBox1.TextChanged event is handled by the TextBox1_TextChanged method, which stops and starts the timer to debounce the search.

When the timer interval elapses, the SearchTimer_Tick method is called, which stops the timer and executes the search logic in the PerformSearch method.

Note that the PerformSearch method is just a placeholder and you need to implement your own search logic there.

gistlibby LogSnag