create nuget credential provider in csharp

To create a NuGet credential provider in C#, you can follow these steps:

  1. Create a new C# class library project in your preferred IDE.
  2. Add the NuGet.Core package to your project.
  3. Create a class that implements the ICredentialProvider interface from NuGet.Core:
using NuGet.Credentials;
using System;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

public class MyCredentialProvider : ICredentialProvider
    public Task<CredentialResponse> GetCredentialsAsync(Uri uri, IWebProxy proxy, bool isProxyAuth, string message)
        // Implement the logic to retrieve user credentials based on the given parameters.
        // You can use the 'uri' parameter to determine the server for which the credentials are requested.
        // You can use the 'proxy' parameter to get the proxy settings if needed.
        // Return a CredentialResponse object with the obtained credentials or an error message if the credentials are not found.
        return Task.FromResult(new CredentialResponse(CredentialStatus.ProviderNotApplicable));
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  1. Build your project to ensure there are no compilation errors.
  2. Package your project as a NuGet package following the instructions for your IDE. Make sure to include the NuGet.Core package as a dependency in your package.
  3. Install your NuGet package in the target project where you want to use the custom credential provider.
  4. Configure NuGet to use your custom credential provider for the desired server(s) by adding the following line to your NuGet.config file:
    <!-- ... -->
      <add key="Username" value="{USERNAME}" />
      <add key="Password" value="{PASSWORD}" />
      <add key="provider" value="MyCredentialProvider" />
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Replace {SERVER_NAME} with the name of the server for which you want to use the custom credential provider, {USERNAME} and {PASSWORD} with the user credentials to authenticate for that server, and MyCredentialProvider with the full name of your custom credential provider class (including the namespace).

Now, when you run a command that requires authentication for the specified server, NuGet will invoke your custom credential provider and use the obtained credentials to authenticate.

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