format a date in to the format october 13, 2014 11:13 am in csharp

You can use the following code to format a DateTime object in C# to the desired format:

DateTime now = DateTime.Now;
string formattedDate = $"{now:MMMM d, yyyy h:mm tt}";
117 chars
4 lines


October 14, 2021 4:30 PM
25 chars
2 lines

In the code above, we first create a DateTime object with the current date and time using the DateTime.Now method. We then use string interpolation to format the datetime into the desired format. MMMM represents the full month name, d represents the day of the month with no leading zeros, yyyy represents the full year, h represents the hour in 12-hour format, mm represents the minutes with leading zeros, and tt represents the AM/PM designator in lowercase. Finally, we use the ToString() method to convert the formatted date to a string and print it to the console.

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