format datetime to string like 'fr, 28.10.2022' to work with different languages like english, german, freanch in csharp

To format a DateTime to a string that works with different languages, you can use the ToString method with a custom format string that includes the appropriate format specifiers for the language. You can also use the CultureInfo class to specify the culture to use for the formatting.

Here's an example of how to format a DateTime to a string like 'fr, 28.10.2022' in C#:

DateTime dateTime = new DateTime(2022, 10, 28);
string format = "ddd, dd.MM.yyyy";
string cultureName = "fr-FR";
CultureInfo culture = new CultureInfo(cultureName);
string formattedDateTime = dateTime.ToString(format, culture);
Console.WriteLine(formattedDateTime); // "ven., 28.10.2022"
288 chars
7 lines

In this example, we create a DateTime object with the date and time to format, then define a custom format string that includes the appropriate format specifiers for the day of the week (ddd), day of the month (dd), month (MM), and year (yyyy). We then specify the culture to use for formatting using the CultureInfo class, and finally call the ToString method on the DateTime object with the format string and culture as arguments.

Note that the language and region are specified by the culture name, in this case "fr-FR" for French (France). You can use a different culture name for other languages and regions.

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