invoke an aws lambda in csharp

To invoke an AWS Lambda function using C# in a .NET Core application, you can use the Amazon.Lambda.Core NuGet package.

Here's an example code snippet:

using Amazon.Lambda;
using Amazon.Lambda.Model;

public static async Task InvokeLambdaAsync(string region, string functionName, string payload)
    var client = new AmazonLambdaClient(region);
    var request = new InvokeRequest
        FunctionName = functionName,
        Payload = payload
    var response = await client.InvokeAsync(request);
    var responseString = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(response.Payload.ToArray());
480 chars
16 lines

This code creates an instance of the AmazonLambdaClient with the specified region, creates an InvokeRequest with the specified function name and payload, invokes the Lambda function using client.InvokeAsync(), and then converts the response payload to a string.

You can call this method like this:

await InvokeLambdaAsync("us-west-2", "my-function-name", "{ \"name\": \"AWS\" }");
83 chars
2 lines

This invokes the Lambda function named "my-function-name" in the "us-west-2" region with a JSON payload of {"name": "AWS"}.

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