open wpf tab in csharp

To open a WPF tab in C#, you first need to create a TabControl in your XAML file with TabItems inside it. Each TabItem represents a single tab in the control. You can then access the TabControl in your code-behind file and select the desired TabItem to open.

Here's an example XAML code that creates a TabControl with two TabItems:

<TabControl x:Name="myTabControl">
    <TabItem Header="Tab 1">
        <!-- Content for Tab 1 here -->
    <TabItem Header="Tab 2">
        <!-- Content for Tab 2 here -->
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In your C# code, you can select the desired TabItem to open like this:

// Select the first TabItem
myTabControl.SelectedItem = myTabControl.Items[0];

// Select the second TabItem
myTabControl.SelectedItem = myTabControl.Items[1];
160 chars
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This will open the selected tab in the TabControl, and display its content.

gistlibby LogSnag