opentk first person camera in csharp

To implement a first-person camera in OpenTK using C#, the following steps can be followed:

  1. Create a Vector3 instance to store the camera's position in 3D space, for example:
Vector3 cameraPosition = new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 3.0f);
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  1. Create another Vector3 instance to store the camera's direction. In a first person camera, this will be the direction in which the camera is looking. For example, if the camera is initially facing forward, this could be:
Vector3 cameraDirection = new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, -1.0f);
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  1. Calculate the camera's right vector. This is the vector that is perpendicular to the camera's direction and points to its right. It can be calculated using a cross product, like so:
Vector3 cameraRight = Vector3.Cross(cameraDirection, Vector3.UnitY).Normalized();
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  1. Create a Matrix4 instance to represent the camera's view matrix. This matrix defines how the world coordinates will be transformed to the camera coordinates, and it consists of the camera's position, direction and up vector. This matrix can be calculated like so:
Matrix4 viewMatrix = Matrix4.LookAt(cameraPosition, cameraPosition + cameraDirection, Vector3.UnitY);
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  1. Update the view matrix every frame. This can be done by listening to input events, such as keyboard input for movement, and updating the camera position and direction accordingly. For example, to move the camera forward, backwards, left or right, the cameraPosition vector can be updated like so:
float moveSpeed = 0.1f;
if (KeyboardState.IsKeyDown(Key.W)) cameraPosition += cameraDirection * moveSpeed;
if (KeyboardState.IsKeyDown(Key.S)) cameraPosition -= cameraDirection * moveSpeed;
if (KeyboardState.IsKeyDown(Key.A)) cameraPosition -= cameraRight * moveSpeed;
if (KeyboardState.IsKeyDown(Key.D)) cameraPosition += cameraRight * moveSpeed;
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  1. Render your graphics using the view matrix. Whenever you render your scene, pass in the view matrix as a parameter to the shader, like so:
shaderProgram.SetUniformMatrix4("viewMatrix", viewMatrix);
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With these steps, you should now have a working first-person camera in OpenTK using C#.

gistlibby LogSnag