tween smoothstep function in csharp

Here's an example of how to use a smoothstep function to animate a value using C# in Unity:

public float duration = 1f;
private float timer = 0f;
private float startValue = 0f;
public float endValue = 10f;

void Update()
    // Increment the timer
    timer += Time.deltaTime;

    // Calculate the lerp value using smoothstep
    float lerpValue = Mathf.SmoothStep(startValue, endValue, timer / duration);

    // Use the lerp value to update an object's position, scale, color, etc.
    transform.position = new Vector3(lerpValue, 0f, 0f);

    // Reset the timer once the duration has been reached
    if (timer >= duration)
        timer = 0f;
        startValue = endValue;
603 chars
24 lines

This will smoothly animate an object's position from startValue to endValue over a duration of duration seconds using the Mathf.SmoothStep function. You can adjust the duration and endValue to achieve different animation effects.

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