use sdl to use vulkan in c# in csharp

To use Vulkan API with SDL library in C#, you can follow the below steps:

  1. Install the Vulkan SDK from the official website:

  2. Use the NuGet package manager to install the SDL2-CS package in your project.

  3. Add the SDL2.dll to your project by copying it to your project's directory.

  4. Create a new SDL window by using the SDL_CreateWindow function and initialize the Vulkan API.

using System;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using SDL2;

namespace VulkanSDLExample
    class Program
        static IntPtr windowHandle;
        static IntPtr instanceHandle;
        static IntPtr surfaceHandle;

        static void Main(string[] args)

            SDL.SDL_WindowFlags windowFlags = SDL.SDL_WindowFlags.SDL_WINDOW_VULKAN;
            windowHandle = SDL.SDL_CreateWindow("Vulkan SDL Example", SDL.SDL_WINDOWPOS_CENTERED, SDL.SDL_WINDOWPOS_CENTERED, 640, 480, windowFlags);

            if (SDL.SDL_Vulkan_LoadLibrary(null) != 0)
                Console.WriteLine("Failed to load Vulkan library!");

            uint instanceCount = 0;
            IntPtr[] instanceNames = SDL.SDL_Vulkan_GetInstanceExtensions(ref instanceCount);
            IntPtr[] layers = new IntPtr[] { Marshal.StringToHGlobalAnsi("VK_LAYER_KHRONOS_validation") };

            Vk.VkInstanceCreateInfo instanceCreateInfo = new Vk.VkInstanceCreateInfo
                sType = Vk.VkStructureType.VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_INSTANCE_CREATE_INFO,
                enabledExtensionCount = instanceCount,
                ppEnabledExtensionNames = instanceNames,
                enabledLayerCount = (uint)layers.Length,
                ppEnabledLayerNames = layers

            if (Vk.vkCreateInstance(ref instanceCreateInfo, IntPtr.Zero, out instanceHandle) != Vk.VkResult.VK_SUCCESS)
                Console.WriteLine("Failed to create Vulkan instance!");

            Vk.VkWin32SurfaceCreateInfoKHR surfaceCreateInfo = new Vk.VkWin32SurfaceCreateInfoKHR
                sType = Vk.VkStructureType.VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_WIN32_SURFACE_CREATE_INFO_KHR,
                hinstance = SDL.SDL_GetWindowsInstance(),
                hwnd = SDL.SDL_GetWindowWMInfo(windowHandle)

            if (Vk.vkCreateWin32SurfaceKHR(instanceHandle, ref surfaceCreateInfo, IntPtr.Zero, out surfaceHandle) != Vk.VkResult.VK_SUCCESS)
                Console.WriteLine("Failed to create Vulkan surface!");

            // Here you can use the Vulkan API to render graphics on the SDL window

            Vk.vkDestroySurfaceKHR(instanceHandle, surfaceHandle, IntPtr.Zero);

            Vk.vkDestroyInstance(instanceHandle, IntPtr.Zero);
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  1. You can now use the Vulkan API to render graphics on the SDL window.

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