card game in go

To create a card game in Go, you can follow these general steps:

  1. Create a Card struct that has a suit and a value.

    type Card struct {
        Suit string
        Value string
    54 chars
    5 lines
  2. Create functions to create and shuffle a deck of cards.

    func NewDeck() []Card {
        // create a new deck of cards
    func Shuffle(deck []Card) {
        // shuffle the deck of cards
    124 chars
    8 lines
  3. Create a function to deal cards to players.

    func DealCards(deck []Card, numPlayers int) [][]Card {
        // deal cards to the players evenly
    97 chars
    4 lines
  4. Create the game logic for your card game using the standard rules of the game.

  5. Create the main function to run the game.

    func main() {
        deck := NewDeck()
        // deal cards to players
        players := 2
        hands := DealCards(deck, players)
        // play the card game
        // ...
    179 chars
    12 lines

This is just a general guideline, and you will have to modify it based on the specific card game you want to create.

gistlibby LogSnag