create a pointer variable of the 'string' type, then assign "my string" to the variable at the address held by the pointer, finally, print the variable referenced by your pointer variable here! in go

To create a pointer variable of the string type in Go, you can use the * operator to declare a variable of type *string. Here's how you can assign the string value "my string" to the variable at the address held by the pointer and print the value:

package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
    var pointerToStr *string

    // Assigning the value "my string" to the variable at the address held by the pointer
    str := "my string"
    pointerToStr = &str

    // Printing the string value referenced by the pointer variable
311 chars
15 lines


my string
10 chars
2 lines

In the above example, we first declare a pointer variable pointerToStr of type *string. We then create a string variable str with the value "my string", and assign the address of str to pointerToStr using the & operator. Finally, we print the value referenced by pointerToStr using the * operator.

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