connect to another computer on the network using webrtc in javascript

To connect to another computer on the network using WebRTC in JavaScript, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Create a signaling server: The signaling server is used to exchange metadata between the two peers. It can be a simple web server using WebSocket or a more complex implementation like a dedicated signaling server.

  2. Create and run the client-side code on the two peers: In order to establish a peer-to-peer connection, you need to implement the client-side code in JavaScript. There are several libraries available for WebRTC, such as SimpleWebRTC or PeerJS, which provide easy-to-use APIs for establishing a connection.

  3. Exchange signaling data: Exchange signaling data between the two peers through the signaling server, which includes information about the session and the peers.

  4. Establish a peer-to-peer connection: Once both peers have received the signaling data, the WebRTC connection can be established.

Here's some basic code to help you get started:

// Create a signaling server
const server = new WebSocket("wss://");

// Create and run the client-side code on the two peers
const peer1 = new SimplePeer({ initiator: true });
const peer2 = new SimplePeer();

// Exchange signaling data
peer1.on("signal", data => {

peer2.on("signal", data => {

server.on("message", data => {
  // Parse the signaling data
  const signalingData = JSON.parse(data);

  if (signalingData.type === "offer") {
    // Receive an offer from the other peer and respond with an answer
  } else if (signalingData.type === "answer") {
    // Receive an answer from the other peer

// Establish a peer-to-peer connection
peer1.on("connect", () => {
  console.log("Peer 1 connected");

peer2.on("connect", () => {
  console.log("Peer 2 connected");
959 chars
38 lines

This is just a basic example of how to establish a WebRTC connection using JavaScript. There are many more things you'll need to consider, such as data channels, error handling, and security. However, this should give you a starting point for building your own WebRTC applications.

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