create a reverse standard look that rules the wold in javascript

To create a reverse standard look using JavaScript, there are different ways to achieve this effect, depending on your needs and preferences. One possible approach is to use CSS transformations and transitions on the HTML elements of the user interface, applying the reverse effect to all the standard properties of the design.

Here is an example of how to create a reverse standard look using JavaScript and CSS. First, create an HTML document with the elements you want to reverse, such as buttons, inputs, and text elements:

<!DOCTYPE html>
  <title>Reverse Look Example</title>
    /* Define the default styles for the elements */
    button, input, p {
      background-color: white;
      color: black;
      border: 2px solid black;
      font-size: 1em;
      padding: 0.5em;
      border-radius: 0.5em;
      transition: all 0.3s ease-out;
    /* Define the reversed styles for the elements */
    .reverse button, .reverse input, .reverse p {
      background-color: black;
      color: white;
      border-color: white;
      transform: rotate(180deg);
      text-align: right;
  <button>Click me</button>
  <input type="text" placeholder="Type here"/>
  <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet</p>
  <script src="reverse-look.js"></script>
792 chars
33 lines

Then, create a JavaScript file with the logic to toggle the reverse class on the elements, based on user interactions or other events:

// Reverse Look JavaScript file
var elements = document.querySelectorAll('button, input, p');

function toggleReverse() {
  for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) {

document.addEventListener('click', toggleReverse);
271 chars
11 lines

This code will add a click event listener to the document and call the toggleReverse function when the user clicks anywhere. The function will loop through all the elements selected with the querySelectorAll method and toggle their reverse class, which will trigger the CSS transitions and transformations defined in the styles.

To test this code, save both the HTML and JS files in the same directory, open the HTML file in a web browser, and click anywhere on the page. You should see the elements invert their colors and rotate by 180 degrees, creating a reverse standard look that will rule the world!

gistlibby LogSnag