create a todo list app with flutter in javascript

To create a ToDo list app with Flutter in JavaScript, you'll need to use Dart programming language which is used by Flutter. Here, we'll use the Flutter framework to create UI elements for our app, and then we'll use Dart programming language to implement the logic for our ToDo list app.


To get started, make sure you have Flutter installed on your machine by following the instructions on their website. Then create a new Flutter project using the flutter create command. Once you have your project set up, you can start creating the UI elements for your ToDo list app.

UI Creation

To create the UI for our app, we'll use Flutter widgets. We'll create a scaffold that contains a ListView widget, which will hold our ToDo list items.

import 'package:flutter/material.dart';

void main() => runApp(MyApp());

class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return MaterialApp(
      title: 'ToDo List App',
      home: Scaffold(
        appBar: AppBar(
          title: Text('ToDo List App'),
        body: ListView(
          children: <Widget>[
              title: Text('Task 1'),
              subtitle: Text('Description 1'),
              trailing: Checkbox(
                value: false,
                onChanged: (bool value) {},
              title: Text('Task 2'),
              subtitle: Text('Description 2'),
              trailing: Checkbox(
                value: true,
                onChanged: (bool value) {},
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Logic Implementation

Now we'll implement the logic for our ToDo list app. We'll create a class called Task that represents a ToDo list item, and we'll create a list of Task objects to hold our list of items.

class Task {
  String title;
  String description;
  bool completed;

  Task({required this.title, required this.description, this.completed = false});

List<Task> tasks = [];
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Next, we'll create a form that allows users to add new Task items to our list of tasks.

class AddTaskForm extends StatefulWidget {
  _AddTaskFormState createState() => _AddTaskFormState();

class _AddTaskFormState extends State<AddTaskForm> {
  late TextEditingController _titleController;
  late TextEditingController _descriptionController;

  void initState() {
    _titleController = TextEditingController();
    _descriptionController = TextEditingController();

  void dispose() {

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return Column(
      children: <Widget>[
          controller: _titleController,
          decoration: InputDecoration(
              hintText: 'Enter Title'
          controller: _descriptionController,
          decoration: InputDecoration(
              hintText: 'Enter Description'
          child: Text('Add Task'),
          onPressed: () {
            Task task = Task(
              title: _titleController.text,
              description: _descriptionController.text,
            setState(() {
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Finally, we'll update our ListView widget to dynamically generate ListTile widgets based on the items in our list of tasks.

body: Column(
  children: <Widget>[
      child: ListView.builder(
        itemCount: tasks.length,
        itemBuilder: (BuildContext context, int index) {
          Task task = tasks[index];
          return ListTile(
            title: Text(task.title),
            subtitle: Text(task.description),
            trailing: Checkbox(
              value: task.completed,
              onChanged: (bool value) {
                setState(() {
                  task.completed = value;
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That's it! We've now created a fully functional ToDo list app using Flutter and Dart programming language.

gistlibby LogSnag