create class scedule in javascript

To create a class schedule in JavaScript, you can use object-oriented programming concepts and create a class for each course. Each class can have its properties such as the course name, instructor, start and end times, and days of the week.

Here's an example of how you can create a schedule using an array of class objects:

// Define a Class for a course
class Course {
  constructor(courseName, instructor, startTime, endTime, days) {
    this.courseName = courseName;
    this.instructor = instructor;
    this.startTime = startTime;
    this.endTime = endTime;
    this.days = days;

// Create instances of the Course class
let calculus = new Course('Calculus', 'John Doe', '9:00 AM', '10:30 AM', ['M', 'W', 'F']);
let physics = new Course('Physics', 'Jane Smith', '1:00 PM', '3:00 PM', ['T', 'Th']);

// Add the courses to the schedule array
let schedule = [calculus, physics];

// Access the properties of a course
console.log(schedule[0].courseName); // Output: "Calculus"
console.log(schedule[1].instructor); // Output: "Jane Smith"
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You can continue to add more courses to the schedule array by creating instances of the Course class and pushing them to the array. You can also loop through the array to display the class schedule on a webpage or print it out to the console.

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