extraer el valor de un input tipo numbre en html in javascript

To extract the value of an HTML input of type number using JavaScript, you can use the value property of the input element.

First, you need to select the input element using its ID, class, or tag name. For example, if you have an input element with an ID of myNumberInput, you can select it using:

const numberInput = document.getElementById('myNumberInput');
62 chars
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Then, you can access the value of the input element using the value property:

const numberValue = numberInput.value;
console.log(numberValue); // outputs the value of the input element
107 chars
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Note that the value property returns a string, even if the input type is number. If you need to use the value as a number, you can convert it using the parseInt() or parseFloat() functions:

const numberValue = parseFloat(numberInput.value);
console.log(numberValue); // outputs the value of the input element as a number
131 chars
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