find create date of tweets from particular user in javascript

To find the creation date of tweets from a specific user, you can use Twitter API's user_timeline endpoint.

First, you would need to obtain authentication credentials from Twitter's Developer Portal. Once you have the credentials, you can use Node.js and the twit package to make API requests and retrieve the user's tweets.

Here's some sample code that retrieves the 10 most recent tweets from a user and logs their creation date:

const Twit = require('twit');

// Create a new Twit object with your authentication credentials
const T = new Twit({
  consumer_key: 'YOUR_CONSUMER_KEY',
  consumer_secret: 'YOUR_CONSUMER_SECRET',
  access_token: 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN',
  access_token_secret: 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET',

// Set the screen name of the user whose tweets you want to retrieve
const screen_name = 'twitter';

// Make a GET request to the user_timeline endpoint
T.get('statuses/user_timeline', { screen_name, count: 10 }, function(err, data, response) {
  if (err) {
  } else {
    // Log the creation date of each tweet
    data.forEach(tweet => {
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25 lines

This code logs the creation date of the 10 most recent tweets from the user with screen name 'twitter'. You can modify the screen_name and count variables to retrieve tweets from different users and with different counts.

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