how to get users without doing marketing? in javascript

Getting users for your application or website is crucial for success. Marketing is one way to achieve this, but there are other approaches as well. One way to get users without marketing is through web scraping and automation. Here's a basic approach using JavaScript:

  1. Identify websites or forums where potential users might gather
  2. Use a web scraping library like Cheerio or Puppeteer to automatically extract data from these websites
  3. Use automation tools like Selenium or Nightmare to simulate user behavior, such as clicking links, filling out forms, and interacting with the website
  4. Collect user data and import it into your application or website

It's worth noting that web scraping may violate the terms of service of some websites, so proceed with caution and make sure you're not breaking any rules. Additionally, this approach may not be sustainable or scalable in the long run, so it's important to have a more robust user acquisition strategy in place.

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