how to subplot a predation model with global variables in matlab in javascript

Assuming that you want to display multiple plots for your predation model on a single figure using subplot, and that you are using MATLAB in JavaScript (i.e. using MATLAB Online or MATLAB for Jupyter Notebook), the following example shows how you can achieve this:

% Define global variables
global pop_x pop_y prey_color pred_color

% Set initial values for global variables
pop_x = 0:0.1:20;   % x-axis values for population
prey_color = 'r';   % color for prey line
pred_color = 'b';   % color for predator line

% Define your predation model function
function dx = predation_model(~, x, a, b, c, d)
    global pop_x pop_y prey_color pred_color
    % Update population values
    pop_y = x;
    % Compute population derivatives
    f = [a*x(1) - b*x(1)*x(2);
         -c*x(2) + d*x(1)*x(2)];
    % Plot prey and predator populations
    subplot(2, 1, 1);
    plot(pop_x, pop_y(:, 1), prey_color);
    title('Population dynamics of prey and predators');
    subplot(2, 1, 2);
    plot(pop_x, pop_y(:, 2), pred_color);
    % Return population derivatives to ODE solver
    dx = f';

% Define parameter values
a = 0.5;
b = 0.05;
c = 0.2;
d = 0.004;

% Define initial population values
x0 = [100, 15];

% Solve the ODE using ode45 solver
[t, x] = ode45(@(t,x) predation_model(t,x,a,b,c,d), [0 20], x0);

% Display figure with both subplots
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This code defines a predation model function that takes in the population values and parameters as inputs, and returns the population derivatives at each time step. The subplot function is called within the model function to plot the data for each population on separate axes of a single figure. The global keyword is used to declare the global variables that are used to store and update the population data, as well as the colors for each population line.

Parameter values and initial conditions are defined, and then the model function is passed to the ode45 solver to compute the population values over a specified time range. Finally, a new figure is created to display both subplots.

gistlibby LogSnag