how to use the audit function from the rxjs library in javascript

To use the audit operator from the rxjs library in JavaScript, you can follow these steps:

  1. Import the necessary operators and create an Observable:
const { interval } = require('rxjs');
const { audit } = require('rxjs/operators');

const source$ = interval(1000);
116 chars
5 lines
  1. Define the audit duration Observable:
const auditDuration$ = interval(2000);
39 chars
2 lines
  1. Chain the audit operator to the source Observable and pass in the audit duration Observable as an argument:
const result$ = source$.pipe(
  audit(() => auditDuration$)
63 chars
4 lines
  1. Subscribe to the resulting Observable to start emitting values:
32 chars
2 lines

In this example, the source$ Observable emits a value every second. The auditDuration$ Observable emits a value every two seconds. The audit operator only emits the most recent value from source$ during the time period defined by auditDuration$. So, in this case, every two seconds, the latest value emitted by source$ within the past two seconds will be emitted by result$.

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