how to use the bufferwhen function from the rxjs library in javascript

The bufferWhen operator in RxJS is used to buffer the values emitted by an observable based on a signaling observable. The buffer is emitted as an array of buffered values when the signaling observable emits a value.

Here's an example usage of the bufferWhen operator:

import { interval } from 'rxjs';
import { bufferWhen } from 'rxjs/operators';

    bufferWhen(() => interval(5000))
  .subscribe(values => {
    console.log(`Buffered values: ${values}`);
222 chars
11 lines

In the example above, an observable emitting values every 1 second is piped through the bufferWhen operator. The bufferWhen operator takes a signal function which returns an observable that emits values to signal when the buffer should be emitted. In this case, the signal function is another interval observable emitting values every 5 seconds.

As a result, the values emitted by the source observable are buffered every 5 seconds and emitted as an array by the bufferWhen operator. The buffered values are logged to the console by the subscriber.

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