how to use the closestindexto function from date-fns in javascript

The closestIndexTo function from the date-fns library is used to find the index of the date closest to a given date among a list of dates. Here's how to use it:

const { closestIndexTo } = require('date-fns');

const dates = [
  new Date('2022-01-01'),
  new Date('2022-01-05'),
  new Date('2022-01-10'),
  new Date('2022-01-15')

const targetDate = new Date('2022-01-08');

const closestIndex = closestIndexTo(targetDate, dates);

console.log(closestIndex); // Output: 1
313 chars
15 lines

In the above code snippet, we first import the closestIndexTo function from the date-fns library. We then define an array of dates and a targetDate that we want to find the index of. Finally, we pass these two arguments to the closestIndexTo function which returns the index of the date in the dates array that is closest to the targetDate.

In this case, the output is 1 because the date 2022-01-05 at index 1 is the closest date to the targetDate 2022-01-08.

gistlibby LogSnag