how to use the combinelatest function from the rxjs library in javascript

The combineLatest function from the RxJS library is used to combine the latest values emitted by multiple observables into a single array, and emit that array to subscribers. Here's an example of how to use it:

import { combineLatest } from 'rxjs';

const observable1$ = ...; // create observable 1
const observable2$ = ...; // create observable 2
const observable3$ = ...; // create observable 3

combineLatest([observable1$, observable2$, observable3$]).subscribe(([val1, val2, val3]) => {
  console.log(`Values emitted: ${val1}, ${val2}, ${val3}`);
345 chars
10 lines

In this example, we import the combineLatest function from the rxjs library. We then create three observables (observable1$, observable2$, and observable3$) that emit values over time. We pass an array of these observables to the combineLatest function, which combines the latest values emitted by each observable into a single array.

We subscribe to the combined observable, and log the values emitted to the console. The values emitted by the combined observable are an array of the latest values emitted by each input observable (val1, val2, and val3, respectively).

Note that combineLatest emits a value only when all input observables have emitted at least one value. After that, it continues to emit values every time any of the input observables emits a new value. If any input observable completes, combineLatest will complete as well.

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