how to use the concatmap function from the rxjs library in javascript

concatMap is a higher-order observable operator in rxjs that allows us to flatten an observable emitting observables and subscribe to them sequentially, one at a time, in the order in which they arrive.

Here's an example of how to use concatMap in JavaScript:

import { of } from 'rxjs';
import { concatMap, delay } from 'rxjs/operators';

const source = of('hello', 'world');
  concatMap(s => of(`Delayed by 2 seconds: ${s}`).pipe(delay(2000)))
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8 lines

In the above example, we create an observable source that emits 'hello' and 'world'. We then apply concatMap operator on this observable. In the callback function provided to concatMap, we create a new observable using the of operator that emits a string concatenated with 'Delayed by 2 seconds:' and the value emitted by source. We then use the delay operator to delay this observable by 2 seconds before emitting it.

Finally, we subscribe to the flattened observable created by concatMap and log the emitted values to the console.

This will output:

Delaying by 2 seconds: hello
Delaying by 2 seconds: world
58 chars
3 lines

This is just a simple example of how to use concatMap operator in rxjs. concatMap can be extremely powerful when dealing with sequences of asynchronous events.

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