how to use the create function from the underscore library in javascript

The create function from the underscore library is used to create a new object that inherits from a given prototype object. Here's how to use it:

var parentObject = {
  parentProperty: 'I am the parent!'

var childObject = _.create(parentObject, {
  childProperty: 'I am the child!'

console.log(childObject.parentProperty); // Outputs: "I am the parent!"
console.log(childObject.childProperty); // Outputs: "I am the child"
286 chars
11 lines

In this example, we are creating a new childObject that has parentObject as its prototype. We are also adding a childProperty to childObject. When we log the childObject.parentProperty, we are able to access parentObject's property because childObject is inheriting from it through the create function.

Note that create is a method of the underscore object, so you need to have the library loaded in your script before using it.

gistlibby LogSnag