how to use the curryright function from lodash in javascript

To use the curryRight function from lodash in JavaScript, first, we need to install the lodash library either using npm or by downloading it from the lodash website.

Once lodash is installed, we can import it into our JavaScript file and use the curryRight function as follows:

// Import lodash
const _ = require('lodash');

// Define a function to be curried
function multiply(a, b, c) {
  return a * b * c;

// Currying the function using curryRight
const curriedMultiply = _.curryRight(multiply);

// Call the curried function
const result = curriedMultiply(1)(2)(3);
console.log(result); // Output: 6
329 chars
15 lines

In the above example, we have defined a function multiply that takes in three arguments and returns their product. Using the curryRight function, we have created a curried version of this function called curriedMultiply.

We then call the curriedMultiply function by passing in its arguments one by one. The function is executed only when all three arguments have been passed in. In this case, the final output will be 6, which is the product of all the arguments.

Note that the curryRight function returns a new function that can be invoked with multiple arguments or partially applied. It always starts with the rightmost argument.

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