how to use the defaultto function from lodash in javascript

The _.defaultTo(value, defaultValue) function from the lodash library returns the value parameter if it is not null or undefined, otherwise it returns the defaultValue parameter.

Here is an example usage of _.defaultTo:

const _ = require('lodash');

let myValue = null; // set to null for example
let defaultValue = 'default';

let result = _.defaultTo(myValue, defaultValue);

console.log(result); // logs 'default' to the console
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In this example, the myValue variable is set to null. When the _.defaultTo function is called with myValue and the defaultValue of 'default', the function returns the defaultValue because myValue is null.

If myValue had instead been set to a non-null value, the function would have returned myValue instead.

gistlibby LogSnag