how to use the delay function from the underscore library in javascript

The delay function is used to execute a function after a specified amount of time has passed. The syntax for using the delay function in underscore library is:

_.delay(function, wait, *arguments)
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  • function: The function to be delayed.

  • wait: The time to wait before executing the function, in milliseconds.

  • arguments: Optional arguments to pass to the function.

Here's an example of how to use the delay function:

// define the function to be delayed
function greet(name) {
  console.log("Hello " + name);

// call the greet function with a delay of 2 seconds
_.delay(greet, 2000, "John");
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This will output "Hello John" to the console after a delay of 2 seconds.

Note: The delay function returns a timer ID which can be used to cancel the delayed function execution using clearTimeout().

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