how to use the differenceinbusinessdays function from date-fns in javascript

To use the differenceInBusinessDays() function from the date-fns library in JavaScript, first, you need to install the library using npm:

npm install date-fns
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Then, you can import the differenceInBusinessDays() function in your JavaScript code as follows:

import { differenceInBusinessDays } from 'date-fns';
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This function takes two dates as arguments and returns the difference between them in business days. Here's an example of how to use it:

const start = new Date('2022-03-07');
const end = new Date('2022-03-15');
const numberOfDays = differenceInBusinessDays(end, start);
console.log(numberOfDays); // Output: 6
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In the example above, the differenceInBusinessDays() function calculates the number of business days between March 7th, 2022, and March 15th, 2022, which is 6.

Note that this function excludes weekends (Saturday and Sunday) and any dates that are specified as holidays. If you want to exclude additional non-business days, you can pass an options object as a third argument to the function, like this:

const holidays = [new Date('2022-03-11'), new Date('2022-03-14')]; // Excluded holidays
const options = { holidays };
const numberOfDays = differenceInBusinessDays(end, start, options);
console.log(numberOfDays); // Output: 4
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In this example, the options object includes an array holidays of two dates that are excluded from the calculation. The resulting output is 4, which excludes March 11th and March 14th from the calculation of business days.

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