how to use the eachhourofinterval function from date-fns in javascript

To use the eachHourOfInterval() function from the date-fns library in JavaScript, you need to install the date-fns package using npm or yarn. Then, you can import the function into your JavaScript file like this:

const { eachHourOfInterval } = require('date-fns');
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Alternatively, if you are using ES6 or TypeScript syntax, you can use the following import statement:

import { eachHourOfInterval } from 'date-fns';
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Once you have imported the function, you can use it to generate an array of dates that represent each hour within a given interval. The function takes an interval object as input, which should be an object with start and end properties that represent the start and end dates of the interval, respectively.

Here is an example usage of the eachHourOfInterval() function:

const interval = {
  start: new Date('2022-01-01T00:00:00'),
  end: new Date('2022-01-01T03:00:00')

const hours = eachHourOfInterval(interval);

// Output: [
//   2022-01-01T00:00:00.000Z,
//   2022-01-01T01:00:00.000Z,
//   2022-01-01T02:00:00.000Z,
//   2022-01-01T03:00:00.000Z
// ]
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In this example, we have defined an interval object that represents the first three hours of the year 2022. We then pass this object to the eachHourOfInterval() function, which returns an array of Date objects that represent each hour within the interval.

Note that the eachHourOfInterval() function generates dates in UTC time zone, so you may need to adjust the dates to your local timezone if necessary.

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