how to use the endofyesterday function from date-fns in javascript

To use the endofyesterday() function from date-fns, you first need to install the library by running:

npm install date-fns
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Then, you can import the function and use it in your code as follows:

// Import dependencies
const {endOfYesterday} = require('date-fns');
const {utcToZonedTime} = require('date-fns-tz');

// Specify the timezone
const timezone = 'America/Los_Angeles';

// Get the end of yesterday in the specified timezone
const now = new Date();
const endOfYesterday = utcToZonedTime(endOfYesterday(now), timezone);

// Output: 2021-10-25T07:59:59.999-07:00
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In the example above, the endOfYesterday() function returns the end of yesterday in UTC time. To convert it to a specific timezone, we use the utcToZonedTime() function from the date-fns-tz library. The timezone variable specifies the target timezone (in this case, America/Los_Angeles).

Finally, we log the result to the console, which shows the date and time of the end of yesterday in the specified timezone.

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