how to use the entriesin function from lodash in javascript

The entriesIn function from lodash is used to retrieve all the enumerable properties of an object, including inherited ones. It returns an array of key-value pairs in the format of [key, value]. Here's an example of how to use entriesIn:

const _ = require('lodash');

function MyClass() {
  this.myProp = 'foo';

MyClass.prototype.anotherProp = 'bar';

const myObj = new MyClass();
const entries = _.entriesIn(myObj);
console.log(entries); // [['myProp', 'foo'], ['anotherProp', 'bar']]
251 chars
12 lines

In the above example, we define a class MyClass with two properties: myProp on the instance and anotherProp on the prototype. We then create an instance of the class and pass it to _.entriesIn, which returns an array of key-value pairs for all the enumerable properties, including the inherited one.

Note that _.entriesIn also works with plain objects and not just instances of classes.

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