how to use the hasownproperty function from date-fns in javascript

To use the hasOwnProperty function from the date-fns library in JavaScript, first, you must install the library. You can do this by running the following command in your terminal:

npm install date-fns
21 chars
2 lines

Then, you can import the hasOwnProperty function from the object module of the library by adding the following line at the top of your JavaScript file:

import { hasOwnProperty } from 'date-fns/esm/object';
54 chars
2 lines

Alternatively, you can import the function using the CommonJS syntax:

const { hasOwnProperty } = require('date-fns/esm/object');
59 chars
2 lines

Once you have imported the hasOwnProperty function, you can use it like any other JavaScript function to check if an object has a specific property. Here's an example:

const obj = { foo: 'bar' };

if (hasOwnProperty(obj, 'foo')) {
  console.log('The object has a property named "foo"');
} else {
  console.log('The object does not have a property named "foo"');
196 chars
8 lines

This will output:

The object has a property named "foo"
38 chars
2 lines

If you try to check for a property that does not exist in the object, the function will return false:

if (hasOwnProperty(obj, 'bar')) {
  console.log('The object has a property named "bar"');
} else {
  console.log('The object does not have a property named "bar"');
167 chars
6 lines

This will output:

The object does not have a property named "bar"
48 chars
2 lines

gistlibby LogSnag