how to use the ignoreelements function from the rxjs library in javascript

The ignoreElements function from RxJS is used to ignore all the elements emitted by an observable, only taking into account its completion or error notification.

Here's an example of how to use it:

import { interval } from 'rxjs';
import { ignoreElements } from 'rxjs/operators';

const observable = interval(1000).pipe(ignoreElements());

  () => console.log('This will never be called'),
  () => console.log('This will never be called'),
  () => console.log('Observable completed')
311 chars
11 lines

In this example, we create an observable that emits a value every second using the interval function. We then use the ignoreElements function to ignore all those values. Finally, we subscribe to the resulting observable, and pass three callback functions to handle the possible outcomes: success, error, and completion.

Since we don't care about the emitted values in this particular case, the first two callbacks won't be called. However, the third one will be triggered once the observable completes after a set amount of time.

gistlibby LogSnag