how to use the isnative function from lodash in javascript

The isNative function from the Lodash library can be a useful utility for checking whether a given value is a native function. Here's an example of how to use it:

const _ = require('lodash');

function foo() {
  return true;

console.log(_.isNative(Array.prototype.push));  // true
console.log(_.isNative(foo));  // false
161 chars
9 lines

In this example, we import the Lodash library using require and define a simple function foo. We can then use _.isNative() to check whether Array.prototype.push is a native function (which it is) and whether foo is a native function (which it is not).

Note that isNative relies on certain browser-specific behavior, so it's not guaranteed to be completely reliable in all situations. However, it can be a useful tool for type checking in many cases.

gistlibby LogSnag