how to use the isprototypeof function from the underscore library in javascript

The isPrototypeOf function is used to determine whether an object exists in another object's prototype chain. In the Underscore library, the isPrototypeOf function is provided as _isPrototypeof.

To use it, simply pass in two parameters: the object you want to check, and the object you want to check against.

const myProto = {};
const myObj = Object.create(myProto);

console.log(_isPrototypeof(myObj, myProto)); // true
console.log(_isPrototypeof(myProto, myObj)); // false
166 chars
6 lines

In the example above, we create an object myProto, and then create a new object myObj with myProto as its prototype using Object.create. We then use _isPrototypeof to check if myProto is in myObj's prototype chain, and the result is true.

Note that _isPrototypeof is only checking if the given object exists in the other object's prototype chain. It does not check if the two objects are directly related to each other via inheritance or otherwise.

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