how to use the join function from lodash in javascript

To use the join function from lodash in JavaScript, first, include the lodash library in your project. Then, to use the join function, pass an array as the first argument and a separator as the second argument.

Here is an example:

const _ = require('lodash');

const arr = ['foo', 'bar', 'baz'];

const joined = _.join(arr, ', '); // returns 'foo, bar, baz'
127 chars
6 lines

In this example, we first import the lodash library using require. Then, we define an array called arr with three string elements.

Next, we use the _.join() function to join the elements of the array using ', ' as the separator. The resulting string is stored in joined.

Note that the _.join() function does not modify the original array. Instead, it returns a new string with the joined elements.

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