how to use the materialize function from the rxjs library in javascript

To use the materialize function from the RxJS library in Javascript, you first need to install the library using npm:

npm install rxjs
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Then, you can import the materialize function from the library and use it to handle events with Observables. Here is an example of how to use it:

import { fromEvent } from 'rxjs';
import { materialize } from 'rxjs/operators';

const button = document.getElementById('my-button');
const buttonStream$ = fromEvent(button, 'click').pipe(

buttonStream$.subscribe(event => {
  console.log(event); // outputs the event as a Notification object
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In this example, we use the fromEvent function to create an Observable of click events from a button. We then pipe the Observable through the materialize function to convert each event into a Notification object that contains information about the event type and its payload. Finally, we subscribe to the Observable and log each Notification object to the console.

With the materialize function, you can handle events in a more structured and granular way, allowing you to manipulate and filter events based on their metadata or payload.

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