how to use the noop function from lodash in javascript

To use the noop function from lodash in JavaScript, you will first need to install the lodash library into your project as a dependency by running:

npm install lodash
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Then, you can import the noop function into your JavaScript file like so:

const { noop } = require('lodash');
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The noop function is a utility function that does nothing and simply returns undefined. You can use it in situations where you need to pass a function as an argument, but don't actually need any functionality to be executed. Here is an example:

function performAction(actionFunc) {

performAction(noop); // will execute performAction, but nothing will happen inside of it
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Note that noop is simply an alias for () => undefined, so you could define it yourself as a stand-in if preferred:

const noop = () => undefined;
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gistlibby LogSnag