how to use the race function from the rxjs library in javascript

The race function of rxjs library is used to race multiple observables against each other and emit the first value that is emitted by any of the observables. Here's an example of how to use it:

import { race } from 'rxjs';

const source1$ = of('Hello').pipe(delay(1000));
const source2$ = of('World!').pipe(delay(2000));

race(source1$, source2$).subscribe(
  winner => console.log(`The winner is ${winner}`)
218 chars
9 lines

In this example, we have two observables source1$ and source2$ that emit their respective values after a delay of 1 and 2 seconds respectively. We pass these observables to the race function which will race them against each other and emit the first value that is emitted. In this case, since source1$ emits its value first after 1 second, it will be the winner.

The subscribe method is used to listen to emitted values. Here, we simply log the winner value to the console.

Note: of and delay functions are also imported from rxjs.

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