how to use the reduce function from ramda in javascript

Ramda provides a functional way to perform reduce operation on arrays using the reduce function. The general syntax of using reduce function from Ramda is:

const result = R.reduce((accumulator, currentValue) => {
  // your operation goes here
  return accumulator
}, initialValue, yourArray)
136 chars
5 lines


  • accumulator is the result obtained so far in the reduce operation.
  • currentValue is the current element of the array being processed.
  • initialValue is the initial value for the accumulator.
  • yourArray is the array to be reduced.

For example, let's consider an array of numbers that we want to add together:

const nums = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
const sum = R.reduce((acc, val) => acc + val, 0, nums)
console.log(sum) // Output: 15
115 chars
4 lines

In the above example, we initialized the accumulator with 0, and passed the array nums to the reduce function. The function then added each value of the array to the accumulator, and returned the final result.

Note that the function passed to reduce should be stateless and pure, meaning that it should not mutate the original array or introduce side effects, as that would go against the functional programming paradigm.

gistlibby LogSnag