how to use the restarguments function from the underscore library in javascript

Underscore is a popular Javascript library that provides a number of utility functions for working with arrays, objects, functions, etc. One such function is restarguments.

The restarguments function is used to extract the remaining arguments of a function call as an array. It is particularly useful when you want to define a function with a variable number of arguments. Here's an example:

var myFunc = function(firstArg, secondArg) {
  var remainingArgs = _.restarguments(arguments, 2);

myFunc("foo", "bar", "baz", "qux"); // Output: ["baz", "qux"]
193 chars
7 lines

In the example above, we define a function myFunc with two arguments firstArg and secondArg. We then call the function with four arguments, including two that we do not anticipate. We use _.restarguments to extract the remaining arguments (["baz", "qux"]) and log them to the console.

Note that _.restarguments returns an array, so you can perform array operations on it as necessary.

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