how to use the tap function from lodash in javascript

The tap function from lodash provides a way to perform an operation on a value and return that value without breaking the method chain.

Here's an example using tap:

const newValue = _.chain(5)
  .tap(value => console.log(`Starting with ${value}`))
  .map(value => value * 2)
  .tap(value => console.log(`After the map operation: ${value}`))
  .filter(value => value > 5)
  .tap(value => console.log(`After the filter operation: ${value}`))

console.log(`Final value: ${newValue}`);
329 chars
10 lines

In this example, we start with the value 5, perform a console.log, double the value with map, perform another console.log, filter out any values less than or equal to 5 with filter, and perform a final console.log before returning the new value.

The output of this code will be:

Starting with 5
After the map operation: 10
After the filter operation: 10
Final value: 10
91 chars
5 lines

As you can see, the tap function allows us to "tap into" the value at any point in the chain, perform an operation on it, and continue the chain without breaking it.

gistlibby LogSnag