how to use the timeouterror function from the rxjs library in javascript

TimeoutError is a type of error defined in the rxjs library that's used when the source observable emits no items for a specified duration of time. Here's how you can use the TimeoutError function in your code:

import { TimeoutError } from 'rxjs';

// Create an observable that emits no items
const empty$ = Observable.create(observer => {

// Set a timeout of 5000 milliseconds
const timeout$ = empty$.pipe(timeout(5000));

// Subscribe to the timeout$ observable
  error: err => {
    if (err instanceof TimeoutError) {
      console.log('Observable timed out');
    } else {
      console.log('An error occurred', err);
475 chars
21 lines

In the code above, we import the TimeoutError class from the rxjs library. We then create an observable empty$ that emits no items. We then use the timeout operator to set a timeout of 5000 milliseconds. Finally, we subscribe to the timeout$ observable and handle errors using the error callback. If the error is an instance of TimeoutError, we log a message to the console saying that the observable timed out.

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